Monday, June 27, 2011

100 Days Strong: Day 33, First full day of summer camp

Day 33, Monday, June 20th.

Today was our first full day of summer camp. I woke up at 6:00 am, dressed, and then woke the Scouts. Breakfast starts each morning at 7:15 am. At camp before each meal we send one Scout down per table to set the table and get the food ready. Our Troop has a total of four tables, so we have to send down four Scouts. They are called "hoppers". While the four boys are hopping, the rest of the boys get ready and assemble at the flag poles for the morning announcements. After we have our morning announcements we are dismissed by Troop to enter the dining hall. Since the dining hall won't hold all the Troops that are at camp, there are two meal times for each meal. We have the early meal, also called "A" meal. After we eat our meal, we all assemble at the flag poles for the morning flag raising ceremony. After the flags are finished, we're dismissed for the day and the Troops that eat "B" meal have their announcements. The same thing happens at lunch, with the exception of the flags. At dinner we do the same thing, but lower the flags for the day.

Today we had scrambled eggs, sausage patties, coffee cake, cereal, fruit, and orange juice for breakfast.

The morning went pretty well. Most of the Scouts found their morning merit badge classes without too much trouble. The older Scouts are pretty much on their own, but the adults usually help the younger Scouts find their classes for the first couple of days. It can be pretty scary for the younger Scouts for the first couple of days trying to find their way around until they get used to camp.

While the Scouts were getting their morning merit badge classes under way we had a leaders meeting for all the Scoutmasters that started at 9:00 am. These meetings are where the Scoutmasters get the up to date information on what's going on at camp and how all of their Scouts are doing in their classes. We get a printed report twice during the week that lists the attendance and what has been completed for all of the classes the Scouts are taking.

After the morning leaders meeting was over, I headed back to our campsite to make sure everything was going okay. Everything was going good, so I went back up front to main camp for a while. While I was there, I checked in on some of the boys to make sure they were getting adjusted to camp and to make sure they were in their classes. Everything seemed to be going okay.

This year we were really lucky with the campsite. In years past our campsite has been really far away from the main camp, but this year we were pretty close. It only takes around 10 to 15 minutes to walk from our campsite to main camp. Last year it took over 20 minutes to get to main camp from our campsite. The other problem last year was that it was down a really steep hill. Just to get to main camp you were exhausted climbing the hill. This year it wasn't much of a hill for us.

Lunch started at 12:15 pm for the "A" lunch, and our hoppers had to be there by 12:00 pm. For lunch today we had chili dogs, baked beans, pears, and Kool-aid to drink. I always make it a point to drink 2 full glasses of water with every meal before drinking any Kool-aid. I also make the Scouts drink plenty of water too. The last thing we need to have to deal with is dehydration.

After lunch was finished I went for a little hike around camp. I wanted to see if anything had changed since last year, but pretty much everything was the same. This killed a couple of hours hiking around. After my hike I went back to our campsite and sat down to rest for awhile and wait for dinner time to roll around.

For dinner tonight we had beef & noodles, mashed potatoes, California blend vegetables, rolls, Kool-aid, and white cake for dessert.

I decided that I wasn't going to eat heavy while I was at camp, so no extra helpings or seconds for me this year. I will also be skipping dessert some too.

After dinner was over we all went back to our campsite for awhile. Every night around 7:00 to 7:30 pm there are camp wide games and other things for us to do. Tonight was an adult archery shoot-off. I didn't win the shoot-off, but I was the only one that stuck an arrow in the end of another arrow! Check out the picture below of my fancy shooting.

That's what I call "luck" not "skill", but it was still pretty rare to have it happen. The camp staff personnel were all taking pictures of it. They had only seen it happen one other time in the last few years of staffing at summer camp.

After our evening games we all went back to camp and relaxed around the camp fire.

This is my 100 Days Strong. What's your's?

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