Day 41, Sunday March 20th
I started the day by getting up early and making breakfast for my wife and myself. The kids wanted to sleep a little later and decided to skip breakfast. Their loss I guess.
After breakfast we all got ready for church. We actually made it to church on time this morning, which is rare these days. My 2 boys are sooo slow at getting ready for church that we almost always roll in just before the service starts. I just hate being so rushed and running late.
At 2:30 Tommy and I had a OA LEC (Lodge Executive Committee) Meeting. When the new Lodge Chief was elected he chose Tommy to chair "Camp Promotions". This is the first position Tommy has held in OA. He's a little nervous about it, but I'm sure he can do it if he just puts his mind to it. We got home around 4:00 pm.
At 6:00 pm I had a Cub Scout Committee meeting. The meeting went well and we got a lot of planning done. One big announcement that was made at the meeting was that at the end of this school year I will be stepping down as Cubmaster. I've been involved with the Pack for 6 years, and 5 of them have been as Cubmaster. It wasn't so bad when I was a Den Leader and the Cubmaster both, but after taking over the Troop it's been a little tough being the Cubmaster and a Scoutmaster both at the same time. Sometimes I feel stretched a little too thin and not able to do both jobs to the best of my ability. So, with mixed emotions, I'll end my rein as Cubmaster in May. The Assistant Cubmaster will be taking my place. I know he'll do a great job, and we already have a new Assistant in place.
Thats my day in a nut shell. Mostly meetings. I'm not sure if my day was a fun day or a sad day. Hopefully the fun outweighed the sad. I guess that's the goal in Scouting, to make it mostly fun, so don't forget to make your Scouting fun!
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