Friday, May 20, 2011

100 Days Strong: Day 1 Initial weigh-in

Day 1, Thursday, May 19th.

Today is the start of a totally new 100 days. The first 100 days was all about Scouting. This next 100 days is all about fitness and taking better care of myself. If not only for myself, for my family. So, here it goes........

Okay, to start I need to consult the height/weight chart on the BSA health form to find out what the ideal weight to height is for myself. I'm 5' 6" tall, which is 66" tall. The chart shows that for 66" I should be between 118 to 167 lbs. The allowable exception is 168 to 201 lbs. with the maximum allowable weight of 201 lbs. Well, I'm not anywhere close to the maximum weight, but I'm also not within the recommended weight. So, it's time to do something about it.

I don't consider myself to be unhealthy. I'm really active. I hike, backpack, bicycle, workout a couple of times a week at the YMCA, and try to eat healthy. The problem is, I love to eat. I just eat too much. That's where my biggest problem is, and I really need to correct it.

In the Scout Oath I pledge to "keep myself physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight". It's time I own up to my pledge.

Now for the weigh-in...... According to my bathroom scale I'm 183 lbs.

Next, I need a goal to reach for. My goal for my 100 Days Strong is to get down to 165 lbs, and to start eating better.

I'm going to post my weight every day for the next 100 days. I'm also going to post what I eat for each meal.

Here's what it's going to look like:

For my 100 Days Strong today:

I weigh 183 lbs.

For breakfast I had 2 packages of oatmeal, a glass of milk, and a banana.

For lunch I had a Chick-fil-a sandwich, waffle fries, and a glass of water.

For dinner I had fried rice, Orange chicken, honey walnut shrimp, and a glass of peach tea from Panda Express.

This is my 100 Days Strong. What's yours?

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