Wednesday, May 18, 2011

100 Days of Scouting: Day 100, Pack meeting day

Day 100, Wednesday, May 18th.

Well, here it is. The last day of the 100 Days of Scouting.

It really doesn't seem like I've been blogging about my Scouting experiences for a whole 100 days, but here we are at the 100th day. It has really been fun writing down all the fun things I've been doing with Scouting for the past 100 days. In fact, just because the 100 days is over I'm not going to stop blogging. I know that recently I've not had the time to keep the blog fully up to date, but overall it's been fairly close to current. The one thing I know for sure is that I've really enjoyed doing it.With that said, I really look forward to keeping it going, and I hope that everyone that has been reading has enjoyed it and will continue reading it.

So, here is what I have planned for tonight:

Tonight is our last Pack meeting of the year, and it's going to be a big one.

This is the "graduation" for our Cub Scouts. This is the time that they all advance to the next rank.

It's also my last Pack meeting as Cubmaster. After tonight I'm stepping down and our Assistant Cubmaster is taking over.

I'll still stay on as Scoutmaster of my Troop, but I'm done running the Pack. That doesn't mean that I'm totally done with the Pack, it just means that I won't be running it anymore. I will still stay involved for a while, but it's time for me to pass it on to the next person.

I'm a little sad to be stepping down, as I've been doing it for quite a while, but it's time to do it. The load of running the Troop is getting to be more than I can handle while still trying to give a good Cub Scout program to the younger boys in the Pack. For everyone's sake I need to let someone else take over.

For my 100 Days of Scouting today:

I have my last Pack meeting as Cubmaster.

Have a great day today, and remember to keep your Scouting fun!

And, stay tuned for what's next with my blog. It just might surprise you!

1 comment:

  1. What a way to end your 100 days. Please don't think of it as an end to your journey, but just a stop along the way. It is often rough to pass the torch and you feel a sense of loss as it's not yours anymore, but you've left a legacy and it sounds like they're up to the task.

    Thanks for all of your great posts. It has been fun getting to know you over the last 100 days. Keep your love of Scouting and continue to share it with others.


