Tuesday, February 15, 2011

100 Days of Scouting: Day 7, Time for a change

I had a great day today. We were really busy at work, which makes the day go by fast. I left a little early to get ready for our Troop meeting. The Scouts were getting ready for this weekend. We're going indoor rock climbing Friday night and then coming back to the church to stay the weekend. They decided they wanted to do a little Geocaching Saturday along with some bicycle riding, so they made their plans and put the finishing touches on everything.

After the Scouts had all their plans made I had the opportunity to tell them about a big change that I'm putting in place. After listening to a presentation at our last Roundtable I've decided we're making a big change to the way we handle the grubmaster duties and the cooking during campouts. In the past we used a duty roster for each patrol that allowed a different Scout to cook at each meal. Starting with our March campout we're following our new plan of having a grubmaster from each patrol that plans the meals, buys the groceries, and cooks all the meals for his patrol. I can't wait to see how it works out.

Since tonight was Valentines Day I decided I would treat the Scouts to a little party. I stopped by Meijers on the way to the meeting and picked up some treats, ice cream, and soda. They really enjoyed the little party! The meeting went really well and they really got a lot accomplished. What more could I hope for!

And the best part of the night was that everyone accepted my big change without any complaints! I guess it really was a great time for a change.

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