Well, here goes my very first attempt at creating a blog. I'll be the first to admit that I don't really know what I'm doing, but if someone gets something out of my daily ramblings then it will all be worth the time spent.
So here is how my day went today.
I have a female Scouter friend that was having a little problem with the mother of one of her Scouts. The mother thought my friend was being a little to hard on her son, and had my friend all upset. After talking with her for a while, we came to the conclusion that what she expected from her Scout was well within the normal expectations of any Scout. Given the fact that this particular Scout is an Eagle Scout, we naturally hold him to an even higher standard. Anyway, after talking to her about it I think she felt much better. Hopefully the things I said, and the advise I gave will help.
After lunch I had the opportunity to talk with another female Scouter friend that was a little down in the dumps today and dealing with an issue that was troubling her. A few words of encouragement hopefully made her feel a little better. Sometimes all someone needs is to just be reminded that you care about them, and that can make a huge difference in their day.
No Scout functions going on tonight, so I get to take it easy.
I'll close this blog with just one simple thought for the day. Don't forget to tell those you care about how much they mean to you whenever you get the chance.
Nice start to the blog!