Saturday, August 6, 2011

100 Days Strong: Day 66 through Day 80, Sometimes life just gets in the way

Day 80, Saturday, August 6th

Sometimes life just gets in the way of my Scouting. I've done a pretty good job of keeping up my blog for the last 6 months, but just recently I've been so busy I've just not been able to keep up with it.

Over the last 2 weeks I've had some really great Scouting. We had a Court of Honor on July 25th that went really great. We handed out over 90 merit badges, and had around 8 Scouts advance in rank. I'm really proud of everything they've accomplished this year.

We had a Troop campout on July 29th through the 31st too. The older Scouts worked really hard on helping the newer Scouts with their advancement. I think there were probably 5 or 6 Scouts that finished advancement requirements for their next rank, and at least 2 that made 1st Class.

We've been working really hard to bring the Troop to a state of being fully boy led. I've said for a long time that we were a boy led Troop, but after all the podcasts and blogs that I've been reading and listening to for the last 6 months, I've realized that we weren't really 100% boy led yet. I just thought we were at the time. Well, it's almost there. I've got a few more ideas that I've gotten from some of the great leaders out there that I want to see put into place, and then we should be 100% fully boy led.

My diet is another subject I want to talk about. I started out 80 days ago at 183 lbs. This morning I stepped on the scale and weighed 174 lbs. I've lost 9 lbs so far. I just can't seem to loose it fast enough. It's driving me crazy. I don't eat very much. I don't drink any soda. I really watch the type of food I eat. I try to exercise as often as I can. I think I'm doing most everything right, but still can't loose it like I want to. My goal is still to get down to 165 lbs, and I know I'll do it, but it's taking a whole lot longer than I thought it would.

I just signed up today on the Bechtel Summit website for a position of Scoutmaster for one of our contingent Troops. I went to the 2010 National Jamboree as a 1st Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 1218, so I think I have as good a chance as anyone else does. Hopefully when the Council gets around to picking Scoutmasters they'll consider me for the position.

I guess that's all I can think about writing for now, so I'll end it here.

This is my 100 Days Strong. What's your's?

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