Day 81, Sunday, August 7th
Tonight was our PLC meeting and our Troop Committee meeting.
I met with the SPL about 1/2 hour before the PLC meeting started, to go over a few things. There were several new things I wanted to introduce to the PLC, and needed to bring the SPL up to date with them. We're making some changes to the way we do some things too.
Everything went well for both meetings. The SPL did a great job of running the PLC meeting, and the Committee meeting went really well too.
One of the biggest changes that we're making is with the Troop elections. We're no longer going to be electing a new SPL each 6 months. Instead, we're going to start electing a new ASPL each 6 months. The new ASPL will serve for 6 months, and then will move up to the position of SPL when his 6 month term is finished, to then serve as SPL for the next 6 months. I got that idea from Scoutmaster Jerry. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it works.
My weight is staying steady at 174 lbs now. I just can't seem to really loose any more. I guess we'll see if I ever make my goal of getting down to 165 lbs.
This is my 100 Days Strong. What's your's?
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